Friday, April 5, 2013

NaPoWriMo ~ Days 4 & 5

(Yes, I know it's late, but I fell asleep last night.  So today, it'll be a two-fer, so I can get back on track.)

Day 4

The meeting ended quickly, for a change.
Agenda items hurriedly reviewed
To make it so the people sitting there
Could scurry off without being too rude.

The reason that the meeting was curtailed
Was simple -- he had not been there!
His nasty attitude, ill-tempered remarks
Did not inflame the still quite noxious air.

© 2013

Day 5

Some victories come small,
like patches of blue promise
‘twixt swollen thunderclouds.

Some victories come slow,
like gravid rain clouds giving way
to beams of golden light.

© 2013

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