My heart is gold.
Like molten lava, it rolls
with the passions of my ages.
Searing through the anguish
of an oft-broken heart;
burning through the sorrow
of a much-trampled soul;
scorching through the wounding
of a violated spirit.
My heart is gold.
Like hammered metal, it shines
with the brilliance of my strength.
Copyright © 2010 by Teri K D Bannerman
To read others, go here---->PETE'S PICKS....WEEK # 24....
you are golden indeed! hugs!
you are golden indeed! hugs!
Love it ... You are so creative!
One of my photography projects I need to put a poem or something over a photo ... I plan on writing two, one for each son, over a collage of each of their photos ... but the creative juices are dry at them moment ... wish me luck.
All the best, sweetie! *hugs*
Thanks, Arielle! *hugs*
you're welcome!
NOW, this is publishable!! Fantastic T!! Bravo!! bravo!!
Mind my head, girlie! *smile* Thanks, sweetie!
ITs very good!
I would not argue,... that,Indeed your heart is gold.....
.there are times however I wish your gizzard had more gravel......
(just sayin)
Say WHAT?? LOL! I really don't know what else the gizzard in the chicken is good for, aside from keeping the gravel from her stomach. but the gravel stays there, doesn't it?
(Can't believe I'm having conversations about chicken gizzards!)
Could be worse.....could have been talking about a spankin monkey and the maid in the penthouse again..but we won't go there!
*chuckles @ Kata*
very nicely done.......:)
nicely done K!
jussssss' bewdifullerest......
who's talkin 'bout spankin monkeys??
*feelin sorry for poor hinnacent munkee*......
another indestructable heart.. good writing! broken but not busted.
Those words say it all. Profound words. Um, when you klarn the secret of how to keep a heart from being wounded, will you let me know? ;)
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